6.1. Fermata

Fermatas are defined attached to notes and rests, using the fermata element:

fermata       ::=  (fermata [fermataSymbol] [placement] printOptions* )
fermataSymbol ::=  { normal | short | long | very-short | very-long |
                     henze-short | henze-long }     default 'normal'
placement     ::=  { above | below }

Default placement is above if the stem goes down, and below if the stem goes up.


(score (vers 2.0) (instrument (musicData
    (clef G)(key C)
    (n g4  q (fermata))
    (r q (fermata above))
    (r q (fermata below))
    (n g4  q (fermata short))
    (barline end)

The following fermata symbols are currently available:


6.2. Caesura

Caesura marks, also known as the railroad tracks, are defined attached to notes, using the caesura element. The caesura mark is displayed over staff after the note to which it is attached, and its function is to create a sudden pause in the performance, for a period of time at the discretion of the performer or conductor, with an equally sudden resumption of sound:

caesura       ::=  (caesura [caesuraSymbol] printOptions* )
caesuraSymbol ::=  { normal | thick | short | curved }     default 'normal'


(score (vers 2.0) (instrument (musicData
    (clef G)(key C)
    (n c4 q (caesura))
    (n f4 q (caesura thick))
    (n g4 q (caesura short))
    (n c4 q (caesura curved))
    (barline end)

6.3. Breath mark

The breathMark element is displayed over staff before the note to which it is attached, and implies that the note duration is shortened slightly to allow for the short pause in the phrase. The breathMark element may have a breathSymbol element to indicate the symbol used for the breath mark:

breathMark   ::=  (breathMark [breathSymbol] printOptions* )
breathSymbol ::=  { comma | tick | V | salzedo }     default 'comma'


(score (vers 2.0) (instrument (musicData
    (clef G)(key C)
    (n g4  q (breathMark comma))
    (n g4  q (breathMark tick))
    (n g4  q (breathMark V))
    (n g4  q (breathMark salzedo))
    (barline end)