7.3. Lines

Lines can be defined in most staff objects, using the line element:

line         ::=  (line startPoint endPoint [width] [lineCapStart] [lineCapEnd]
                        [lineStyle] [color])
startPoint   ::=  (startPoint location)
endPoint     ::=  (endPoint location)
lineCapStart ::=  (lineCapStart capValue)
lineCapEnd   ::=  (lineCapEnd capValue)
capValue     ::=  { none | dot | solid | longDash | shortDash | dotDash }
lineStyle    ::=  (lineStyle { none | arrowhead | arrowtail | circle | square | diamond } )

Elements startPoint and endPoint are coordinates in tenths, relative to the position on which the parent object is placed.

Example. A note with an attached arrow pointing to it:

(score (vers 2.0) (instrument (musicData
    (clef G)(key C)(time 2 4)
    (n c4 q
        (line (startPoint (dx 25.0) (dy 60.0))
              (endPoint (dx 100) (dy 90.0))
              (width 1.0)
              (color #000000)
              (lineStyle solid)
              (lineCapStart arrowhead)
              (lineCapEnd none)
    (barline end)