5.5. Octave shift
The octaveShift
element is used to display an octave shift line to indicate that a section of music is to be played one or more octaves above or below written pitch.
The pitch in the LDP source for notes associated to an octave-shift lines must be encoded using the real sounded pitch, not the written pitch that is displayed in the score. For instance, a quarter note displayed as a C5 pitch in the score affected by an Ottava (8va) line will sound as a C6 pitch. Therefore, in the LDP source file, that note must be encoded as ‘(n c6 q)’.
The octaveShift
element has the following syntax:
octaveShift ::= (octaveShift shiftIDstartStopType
] [color
] ) shiftID ::= integer_number startStopType ::= { start | stop } octaveShiftType ::= { 8u | 15u | 8d | 15d }
The shiftID
element is just a numerical ID that must be unique for this octaveShift
The octaveShift
element must be included in the noterestOptions
element of the first note/rest it affects, using the value ‘start’ for the startStopType
element. Also the octaveShift
element must be included in the last note/rest it affects, using the value ‘end’ for the startStopType
The remaining elements, octaveShiftType
and color
, are only possible for the ‘start’ octaveShift
The octaveShiftType
element specifies how many octaves the written pitch will be shifted at playback, and its direction, up or down. The following values are possible:
- 8u (8 up): Ottava (8va), the octave-shift line is placed above the staff and the pitches of the notes in that passage are displayed in the score one octave below the pitch encoded in the LDP source. For instance ‘(n c4 q)’ will be displayed as a C3 quarter note.
- 15u (15 up): Quindicesima (15ma), the octave-shift line is placed above the staff and the pitches of the notes in that passage are displayed in the score two octaves below the pitch encoded in the LDP source.
- 8d (8 down): Ottava Bassa (8ba), the octave-shift line is placed below the staff and the pitches of the notes in that passage are displayed in the score one octave above the pitch encoded in the LDP source.
- 15d (15 down): Quindicesima Bassa (15ma), the octave-shift line is placed below the staff and the pitches of the notes in that passage are displayed in the score two octaves above the pitch encoded in the LDP source.
An octave shift will apply to all notes in the current staff, between and including the ‘start’ and ‘stop’ notes.
(score (vers 2.0) (instrument (musicData
(clef G)
(n c5 q (octaveShift 1 start 8u))
(n d5 q)
(n g5 q (octaveShift 1 stop))
(n c5 q)
(n d5 q)
(n g5 q)
(barline end)