3.5. Barlines

Element barline is used to specify a barline at the end of a measure. If the type of barline is not specified it is assumed to be a normal barline (simple line).

barline ::=  (barline) | (barline type [visible] [location] soAttachment* )
type    ::=  { start | end | double | simple | startRepetition |
               endRepetition | doubleRepetition }


(n c4 e)(n e4 e)(barline end)

The following score will render all barline types:

(score (vers 2.0)
         (spacer 30)(barline simple)
         (spacer 30)(barline double)
         (spacer 30)(barline startRepetition)
         (spacer 30)(barline endRepetition)
         (spacer 30)(barline doubleRepetition)
         (spacer 30)(barline start)
         (spacer 30)(barline end)

and will render as:
