3.2. Clefs
Setting or changing the clef is done with the clef
clef ::= (clefclefType
] [staffNumber
] [visible
] [location
* ) clefType ::= { G | F4 | F3 | C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 | percussion | C5 | F5 | G1 | 8_G | G_8 | 8_F4 | F4_8 | 15_G | G_15 | 15_F4 | F4_15 } symbolSize ::= (symbolSize { full | cue | large } )
The tessitura implied by a clef can be modified by adding a tessitura prefix { 8_ | 15_ } or suffix { _8 | _15 } to the clef name. This will draw, respectively, a 8va or 15ma symbol above or below the clef, and force the corresponding octave shift.
(score (vers 2.0)(instrument (musicData
(clef G) // G clef on 2nd line
(clef F4) // F clef on 4th line
(clef 8_G) // G clef with 8va symbol above
(clef F4_15) // F clef on 4th line with 15ma symbol below
The symbolSize
element is, normally, not necessary as the rendering program will select the appropiate size. But it can be usefull for forcing a specific size.
When no clef is defined, the notes will be positioned in the staff as if a G clef was defined, but no implicit G clef will exist. This is just a convention for placing the notes on the staff when no clef is defined.