3.3. Key signatures

Setting or changing the key signature is done with the key element:

key     ::=  (key keyType staffobjOptions* soAttachment* )
keyType ::=   { C | G | D | A | E | B | F+ | C+ | C- | G- | D- | A- |
                          E- | B- | F | a | e | b | f+ | c+ | g+ | d+ | a+ | a- |
                          e- | b- | f | c | g | d }

Key names in upper case refer to mayor keys. Key names in lower case are for minor keys. Plus (+) and minus (-) symbols are for sharp and flat, respectively.


(key F+)           //F sharp major key
(key f+)           //F sharp minor key
(key d-)           //D flat minor key
(key C)            //C major key